2017 July 24 - tunXten Feature release. * Updated: Windows XP/2003 is not supported anymore, the earliest supported Windows version is 7/2008 * Updated: latest OpenVPN binaries 2.4.3 * Fixed : Username/Password fields in Login dialog were not auto-focused. 2017 April 04 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Fixed : several minor bugs in Updater. * Fixed : 'crl-verify' file (if any) wasn't being auto-imported along with the main OpenVPN configuration file. * Fixed : a minor bug in localization engine. * Fixed : several small GUI glitches. * Fixed : in certain cases Google Authenticator engine would not ask for a challenge text. * Updated: latest OpenVPN binaries 2.3.14 (last version to support Windows XP). * Updated: this tunXten release is too the last to support Windows XP. 2016 June 01 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Added : if "socket bind failed on local address" error occurs while connecting - the connection is restarted automatically. * Added : if Private Key authentication fails the PK credentials are asked again (just like with User/Password authentication). * Fixed : in compact mode the main window width would sometimes be not big enough to show all toolbar buttons. * Fixed : crash when using Paste button for pasting license code if clipboard doesn't contain textual information. * Fixed : for configurations where both user and private key passwords are used and are different it was not possible to authenticate. * Fixed : 'askpass' file (if any) wasn't being auto-imported along with the main OpenVPN configuration file. * Fixed : previously saved credentials were being auto-deleted on authentication failure even in the harmless case when maximum allowed concurrent connection limit was exceeded. * Updated: latest OpenVPN binaries 2.3.11 2016 March 15 - tunXten Feature release. * Fixed : sometimes pressing the hotkey wouldn't show the application windows. * Fixed : sometimes TAP-to-config mapping wouldn't work correctly in Options->Advanced tab. * Fixed : crashes when importing a configuration from OpenVPN Access Server. * Added : installer now contains both 32 and 64 bit binaries. * Added : changelog is shown in Update dialog. * Added : "Rename configuration" context menu item. * Added : "error" connection status can now be cleared by Control+clicking on status/connection button. * Added : Control+clicking "Connect/Disconnect all entries" buttons in the main toolbar applies the action only to auto-connecting configs. * Added : connection log is auto-truncated upon reaching 500 Kb (last 10 sessions are retained). * Added : if a connection attempt fails due to the lack of available TAP adapters - a new one is installed automatically and the attempt is made again. * Added : Options->Advanced->Add - control+clicking allows for easy installation of as many TAP-adapters as needed for all registered configs. * Updated: upgrade procedure is improved. * Updated: every config exported from OpenVPN Access Server is now stored in its own folder. * Updated: command-line interface - "bulk" commands (like "vpn-connect all") now show finalizing message (i.e. "vc: all done.") * Updated: version number is removed from the system tray hint, only the app name is shown. * Updated: GUI now looks great on high-resolution displays. * Updated: now tunXten works correctly with PKCS#8 encrypted private keys. * Updated: latest OpenVPN binaries 2.3.10 2015 October 2 - tunXten Bugfix (mostly) release. * Fixed : broken post-connect code (sometimes auto-launch shortcuts won't start). * Fixed : a command-line bug that could cause high CPU usage in certain cases. * Fixed : a bug that could cause GUI freeze when another instance is called with command-line parameters. * Fixed : some minor bugs in TAP adapter handling code. * Fixed : right-click on the tray icon won't always show the GUI. * Added : TAP adapter version in "About" dialog. * Added : "Paste" button in Register Software dialog (on some rare occasions Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V doesn't work or pastes mutilated license key). * Updated: OpenVPN version is now 2.3.8 2015 July 27 - tunXten Feature release. * Updated: OpenVPN binaries, the latest version: 2.3.7 * Updated: Helpful hint about server address format added to the "Import configuration from OpenVPN AS" dialog. * Updated: All command-line options having "-all" switch now report the end of session like ": all done" to simplify writing automation scripts. * Added : Auto-compact display mode: on its first start tunXten detects if the number of OpenVPN configs is greater than 10 and turns compact displaying mode ON. * Added : Two-factor authentication support (including Google Authenticator). * Added : Chinese translation (by Andy Lin). * Fixed : Several possible crashes (two of them in OpenVPN Access Server importing code). * Fixed : Broken "TAP adapter -> connected OpenVPN configuration" mapping (Settings dialog - Advanced tab). 2014 November 2 - tunXten Feature release. * Added : credentials for a connection can now be specified on the command line. * Updated: the command line feature is now available only in registered version. 2014 April 12 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Fixed : the Heartbleed bug. 2014 March 14 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Fixed : Import process eliminates empty lines in a config, which is undesirable in some cases. * Updated: About dialog now shows some additional info (like build number). 2014 February 05 - tunXten Special internal release which never actually made it to the public, but deserves mentioning here so as not to break the version history :) 2013 September 12 - tunXten Feature release. * Added: tunXten now is completely ready for localization, UI translators needed :) * Added: Language selection combo box (Settings dialog -> General tab), currently only English available. Changing language requires the application restart. * Added: Single left-click on the tray icon in compact mode shows/hides the main window if it's pinned. * Updated: OpenVPN upgraded to the latest and greatest version 2.3.2 * Updated: About dialog now shows OpenVPN version. * Updated: Shortcut autostart property can now be toggled from the context menu. * Updated: Importing zip archives improved (multiple configs can be imported from a single archive, configs can be located on any directory level inside the archive). * Fixed: Sometimes a connection log window resizes itself to the desktop width. * Fixed: Authentication failures with password protected private keys were not always correctly handled. 2013 June 06 - tunXten Feature release. * Added : Log viewer now has "Clear log" button which truncates the log. * Added : Log viewer now has autoadjusting horizontal scrollbar. * Added : Settings dialog - it's now possible to define a hotkey to show/hide all pinned windows. * Fixed : Settings dialog - "Check for updates now" button respects immediate changes in the Proxy field. * Fixed : Transparency level resets back to default after the Settings dialog is dismissed. * Updated: Settings dialog - "OpenVPN configuration files location" display moved from General to Advanced tab. * Updated: Transparency level control moved from the main window to the Settings dialog (General tab). * Updated: Transparency level is now set to zero by default. * Updated: Now all changes are saved to corresponding ini-files immediately, not just on graceful application exit. 2013 April 08 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Fixed : Possible crash when wrong Private Key passsword is entered. * Fixed : Endless reconnection loop when wrong PIN for a SmartCard is provided. * Added : When there's only one PKCS#11 ID is present on a SmartCard, it's used silently by default. 2012 August 17 - tunXten 1.0.8 Feature release. * Added : "Edit Configuration" button is now available in Log Viewer window. * Added : Several pictures for OpenVPN confgiuration windows in the extended mode are now available out-of-the box (in images\config folder). * Added : New setting - autoclose the log window after the specified number of seconds (available at General tab in Setting dialog). * Added : Any changes to shortcuts are now immediately reflected in the GUI. * Added : New context menu for shortcuts. * Updated: Key combinations for shortcut handling are changed: Ctrl+RClick Custom edit shortcut dialog Alt+RClick Windows Explorer standard properties dialog Shift+RClick Delete shortcut * Updated: Now only *.ovpn and *.zip files can be imported. * Updated: "Save credentials" checkbox in the login dialog is not autochecked anymore. * Updated: Username is now stored encrypted, just like password. * Updated: "Show warnings" setting is now Off by default. * Updated: Internal connection procedure reworked to respect many new gotchas. * Fixed : Several minor internal bugs. 2012 June 21 - tunXten 1.0.7 Feature release. * Added : PKCS#11-related functionality greatly improved, tunXten now fully supports user interaction when needed. * Added : New import dialog with drag&drop support. * Added : Super-easy profile import from OpenVPN Access Server. * Fixed : Binary bundles downloaded for update were not always correctly deleted. * Fixed : OpenVPN configurations with embedded keys/certificates could not be imported. * Fixed : Autoupdate dialog was stealing focus. * Updated: Import procedures improved. * Updated: Some internal improvements and small bug fixes. 2012 June 01 - tunXten Bugfix release. * Fixed : DES3-encrypted private keys were treated as DES-encrypted. 2012 May 30 - tunXten 1.0.6 Feature release. * Added : It is now possible to change private key passwords (the feature accessible from the login dialog). * Updated: Improved login procedure experience (dialogs for entering login credentials, private key passwords, security token PIN codes now look differently, making visual experience better). * Updated: Improved entered data validation in login dialogs. * Updated: Imporved log display. * Fixed : Several minor bugs in the GUI. * Fixed : Shortcuts to Windows console applications (like ping or tracert) could not be created. * Fixed : Rarely encountered bug with corrupted log entries. 2012 May 05 - tunXten Small feature release. * Added : An already running instance shows a popup when another instance is started. * Added : One-time config .ini values with the .initial suffix are respected only on the first start. * Removed: Messagebox telling that an already running instance is found. * Updated: Slightly improved command-line usage help display. * Updated: Received/sent byte count in the connection log is displayed using multiples of bytes (kB, MB, etc). * Updated: Import process sets verbosity level to 3 if 'verb' is not specified. 2012 Apr 27 - tunXten 1.0.5 Feature release. * Added : Command line interface, launch tunxtenc.exe with --help for more info, most options are self-explanatory. * Added : Remote control, command options are the same. Try connecting with netcat to the local port 5100 (default). * Added : New OpenVPN configuration context menu item - create a new shortcut. * Added : New admin feature - config templates (for example, copy preconfigured OpenVPN files to %PROGRAMFILES%\tunXten\configs\MyConfig.template). * Added : New shortcut creation dialog (native system dialog can still be invoked by ctrl+rightclick on a shortcut). * Updated: Silent installation process greatly improved. * Updated: Numerous internal performance improvements. * Fixed : Autorun setting in the application options didn't work. * Fixed : Several minor bugs fixed. 2012 Mar 15 - tunXten 1.0.4 Feature release. * Added : OpenVPN config context menu. * Added : Saved credentials for a config can now be cleared using the GUI (through the config context menu). * Added : A config can now be deleted using the GUI (through the config context menu). * Added : Possibility to exit the application from the floating config window (through the context menu). * Added : admin feature - an arbitrary config(s) can now be added to tunXten installation directory instead of the sample one. * Added : admin feature - configs placed into tunXten installation directory can be preconfigured by a system administrator, granted read-only access to ordinary users, in this case preconfigured settings take precedence. * Added : admin feature - new 'savecred' config ini-file key used to preconfigure the 'remember credentials' option for the vpn client. * Added : admin feature - installer can now be run in silent mode and accepts command-line switches for controlling installation options. * Added : new tunXten option (on General tab in settings) - "Alert about connection warnings in tray balloons". * Updated: authentication procedure improved. * Fixed : several minor bugs eliminated. 2012 Feb 10 - tunXten 1.0.3 Feature release. * Added : Different Windows notification area icons depending on connection states. * Added : Configuration-specific shortcuts can now be rearranged with drag-and-drop. * Added : Shortcuts can now be set to auto-launch after a connection is made. * Added : Any file can now be dropped on a config window - a shortcut is automatically created. * Updated: Import procedure improved. * Updated: Installer now silently updates/installs TAP adapter drivers without system warnings. 2012 Feb 01 - tunXten 1.0.2 Bugfix release. * Fixed : crash on startup under certain conditions. 2012 Jan 26 - tunXten 1.0.1 Bugfix release. * Updated: OpenVPN updated to version 2.2.2 (available only in installer). * Fixed : Sometimes certificate/keys are not imported. * Fixed : Config comments are intermittently treated as keywords. * Fixed : Possible crash when closing the application having many connections established at the same time. * Fixed : Missing certificates/keys causing infinite loops during connection. * Fixed : Crash when there's a single empty "sample" directory in %APPDATA%\tunxten. 2011 Dec 29 - tunXten 1.0 First public release.